Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Volume 4

Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Volume 4

Eponyms to T to X

Gonca Cankardeş-Şenol

Études Alexandrines, 39, CEAlex, Centre d'Etudes Alexandrines, Alexandrie, 2017
- ISBN : 978-2-11-139025-6 - ISSN : 1110-6441

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This fourth volume completes our publication of eponym dies on Rhodian amphora stamps. The volume contains 670 matrices belonging to 34 eponyms. The total in all four volumes of the series represents 5,772 matrices for 259 eponyms. We have been informed of previously unpublished matrices and we would like to thank our contributors. These new examples will be included in a volume of addenda et corrigenda, which will be published after the four forthcoming volumes of the lexicon of fabricant dies on Rhodian amphora stamps, the first of which is planned for 2018. This new series will hold more than 4,257 dies belonging to 456 different fabricants who worked over 259 years, that is, the total number of annual eponyms. Thus, we know that the total of all different matrices on amphora.

Dr. Gonca Cankardeş-Şenol est professeur au département d'archéologie de l'Université Ege d'Izmir (Turquie) et est spécialiste de l'étude des timbres amphoriques de Méditerranée orientale. Elle a publié de nombreux travaux sur les timbres amphoriques découverts en Asie Mineure, dans la Pérée rhodienne et spécialement en Égypte. Elle a identifié plus de 10 000 matrices rhodiennes, qui peuvent être consultées sur le site web .