Educational Kits


The educational kits are designed for teachers and cultural and scientific activity leaders. To be used in group workshops, they cover a wide range of themes relating to the history of Alexandria and the skills of archaeological.

The CEAlex’s educational outreach department provides training in the use of these tools for teachers and facilitators, and works directly with young people.

Five kits have been developed with the support of the French Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur regional authority: The Pharos of Alexandria, Searching for a Shipwreck, Blue Gold, Flying Carpet to the Red Sea et Flying Carpet over Mosaics. in partnership with the Bokra Sawa Association. A sixth exploring the town of Alexandria is under development.

Several educational games have also been developed: A Game of Water, Let’s build a saqiah et Let’s build a cistern.



For more information, please contact the Educational Outreach Department.