The Brucheion quarter

Between 1994 and 1997, the CEAlex conducted several salvage excavations in the Brucheion quarter, adjacent to the Royal Palaces. The excavations uncovered settlements dating back to the very beginnings of Alexandrian urban growth. The four sites were named after recent occupations: : Cricket Ground, British Consulate Garden, Diana Theatre and Radio Cinema.


The first two sites had been deeply disturbed by modern building work, but they nevertheless showed how the plots had evolved during the Hellenistic period. The third provided evidence of the development of the district up to the 11th century, while the fourth had suffered under the impact of work carried out in the early 20th century, which destroyed all structures right down to the natural soil. The data from these excavations, which are currently being prepared for publication, have led to specific studies of exceptional finds, as well as studies of categories of material. All this has enabled us to set new benchmarks in our knowledge of the life of the ancient Alexandrians.

Further reading :

G. Cankardeş-Şenol, « Stamped amphora handles found in the rescue excavations of CEAlex in Alexandria », in S. Marchand, A. Marangou, Amphores d’Égypte de la Basse époque à l’époque arabe, Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne, 8, 2007, p. 33-56.

S. Élaigne, La vaisselle fine de l’habitat alexandrin. La mobilité des produits et des techniques céramiques en Méditerranée Orientale du IIe siècle avant J.-C. à l’époque claudienne. Le cas des céramiques fines d’après les contextes d’habitats d’Alexandrie (Égypte), Études Alexandrines 21, Le Caire, IFAO, 2012.

C. Harlaut, J.W. Hayes, Pottery in Hellenistic Alexandria, Études Alexandrines 45, Alexandrie, 2018

O. Picard, C. Bresc, Th. Faucher, G. Gorre, M.-Chr. Marcellesi, C. Morrisson, Les monnaies des fouilles du Centre d’Études Alexandrines : les monnayages de bronze à Alexandrie de la conquête d’Alexandre à l’Égypte moderne, Études Alexandrines 25, Alexandrie, 2012.

E. Rodziewicz, Bone and ivory carvings from Alexandria. French excavations 1992-2004, Études Alexandrines 13, 2007, Le Caire.

A.K. Şenol, « A statistical essay on the distribution of imported amphorae finds of the CEAlex salvage excavations », in S. Marchand, A. Marangou, Amphores d’Égypte de la Basse époque à l’époque arabe, Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne, 8, 2007, p. 57-75.