Flying Carpet to the Red Sea

Flying Carpet to the Red Sea

For 6 to 20 years. Up to 20 participants in groups of 2 to 5

The workshops :

The adventurers of the Suez Canal : This game introduces the participants to the changes in shipping routes that were created by the Suez Canal

A dream becomes reality : a timeline presenting the stages in the opening of the Suez Canal

Biodiversity of the two seas : memory games and activities involving marine animals

Pollution : activities dealing with pollution and rubbish

This kit, the first in the Flying Carpet series, focuses on the theme of the sea and is intended for distribution in Mediterranean countries.For more than half a century, the presence of the Suez Canal has caused an unprecedented upheaval in biodiversity, allowing fish to migrate from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean. Against this backdrop, the Flying Carpet to the Red Sea educational kit is designed to inform and raise awareness among young people of the impact of these upheavals, and to help improve their understanding of and engagement with this problem, using a simple, fun approach.Using the activity sheets and other materials provided, the participants are able to perform the activities themselves. This kit is designed as a support tool for group activities and can be used in a variety of contexts: in youth clubs, at holiday camps, social centres or for groups at home.

Learning objectives

  • Develop popular education initiatives for young people using an experimental approach
  • Raise awareness regarding the richness of maritime biodiversity
  • Explore the history and world heritage of shipping routes
  • Raise awareness of the natural environment
  • Establish connections between young people from different cultures

The activity

These workshops are composed of specifically designed activities and games (activity sheets and aids, game boards and cards, and other objects). Each workshop contains a user’s manual for the youth leaders, who are trained beforehand by the CEAlex educational outreach team, to help them run the activities smoothly. The manual contains examples of activities that can be used as initially intended, however, leaders are also free to use each element independently and to design their own activities.