Conférence : Roman Pottery From Kom Abu Billu necropolis (Egypt)

Conférence : Roman Pottery From Kom Abu Billu necropolis (Egypt)

Aude Simony

32nd congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores : Linking Pots: Manufacturing and selling Roman pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean

Department of Archaeology and the History of Art of the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens ; Ephorate of Antiquities of Cyclades (Ministry of Culture and Sports), Athènes

25-30 septembre 2022

Since 2013, researches are carried out by the French Mission led by S. Dhennin (CNRS, HiSOMA) on the site of Kom Abu Billu, located in the western edge of Egyptian Delta in the Menufieh governorate. Recent archaeological excavations have been mainly focusing on the western part of the site, especially on the Greco-Roman necropolis area, revealing a remarkable amount of ceramic material and artefacts in association with mudbrick tombs. The pottery from the two excavated sectors is dating back from Early Roman period (2nd to 4th century AD and is exclusively composed of local or regional production vessels, mostly common wares but also cooking wares and fine open shapes. In spite of the scarcity of imported vessels in the necropolis, some Egyptian productions tend to imitate fine imported vessels from Mediterranean region. Then, this paper suggests focusing on the specificities of locally produced or imported Roman pottery from one of the largest Greco-Roman Greco-Roman necropolis of Lower Egypt.

Ingénieur de recherche CNRS au CEAlex, Aude Simony a travaillé en tant qu’archéologue et céramologue sur de nombreux chantiers en France, Italie, Égypte et au Sultanat d’Oman. Elle a soutenu en 2016 une thèse de doctorat en archéologie à l’Université de Poitiers portant sur les céramiques communes à pâte alluviale dans le delta occidental égyptien au Haut-Empire.

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